Fostering an Inclusive Multicultural Workplace

Decode the world, speak the language of cultural IQ and build trust and future success with cultural fluency in your business.


Our tailored workshops are designed to elevate cultural awareness and foster inclusion. From "Building Cultural Awareness" to "Effective Cross-Cultural Communication," we focus on key aspects such as improving teamwork, communication, and conflict resolution. Our program extends to global leadership development, cultural competency for global business, and industry-specific challenges. Address unconscious bias, create an inclusive workplace culture, and customize workshops for specific industries. Elevate your organization's cultural competence and create an inclusive environment with our concise and impactful Culture Inclusion Training.
We will bring the facilitator to your premises with tailored content and training duration decided by you.
Please fill out this form to request a customized training for your organization. 


Below are some Training outlines, which can be delivered individually or mix&blend to cater your Learning and Development needs! 

  • Building Cultural Awareness: Helps participants develop their cultural sensitivity and understanding of diverse perspectives.
  • Bridging Cultural Gaps in Teams: Improve communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution among diverse team members.
  • Effective Cross-Cultural Communication: With practical communication skills, learn how to interact with people from different cultures.
  • Global Leadership Development: Equips team leaders to manage diverse teams, fostering inclusion, and leading effectively in a globalised world.
  • Cultural Competency for Global Business: Delves into the specific challenges and strategies for doing business in different cultural contexts.
  • Seeing Blind Spots: Raise awareness of unconscious bias, its impact on decision-making, and strategies for mitigating its effects.
  • Building an Inclusive Workplace Culture: Develop strategies for creating a welcoming and equitable environment for employees from all backgrounds.
  • Cultural Competency for Specific Industries: Tailored workshops to the unique cultural challenges faced in specific industries like healthcare, education, retail and export.
  • Chinese Cultural Intelligence: Designed for businesses with Chinese customers and stakeholders, which focuses on understanding Chinese culture and business practices for effective communication and collaboration.
  • Cultural Navigator:  Designed to empower your new migrant workers with the essential tools to navigate and thrive in their new cultural context. From understanding local customs and workplace dynamics to effective communication strategies, this workshop equips your new migrant staff with the cultural intelligence needed for a seamless transition.


Multiple benefits to be gained for your business and your team:

  • At an individual level: Enhanced understanding of cultures with deeper awareness, greater empathy and reduced bias.
  • At the business level, the cultural competence workshops equip organisations with benefits such as: Increased employee engagement, stronger team collaboration, improved customer satisfaction, boosted brand reputation and reduced risk of (often costly) intercultural missteps

Who Should Attend

Healthcare professionals, educators, business leaders, managers and individuals who interact with people from diverse cultures.

Facilitated by


Lu Hunter, founder and chief consultant of Peas Project, a cross-cultural specialist,. She is a passionate diversity and inclusion practitioner who believes in the positiveness of humanity that connects us all together. 

With a wealth of diverse experiences across media, NGOs, public and commercial sectors, Lu brings a unique perspective to navigating the complexities of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Having worked in various countries and cultures, she possesses a deep understanding of both the distinctions and commonalities that bind individuals together. This fascination with human difference, coupled with her recent MBA and experience in both public and commercial settings, fuels her passion for guiding individuals and organisations on their DEI journeys.

Lu is dedicated to helping you bridge the gap between good intentions and impactful outcomes. She believes in empowering clients to navigate the diversity and inclusion landscape with confidence and clarity, ultimately fostering inclusive environments where everyone can thrive. Whether you're an individual seeking personal growth or an organisation aiming to build a more equitable culture, Lu is here to partner with you on your journey.

What Learners Have Said

“If you have ever worked internationally, you have faced the pain and joys of cultural differences. Lu's expertise in the matter allows us to bridge the gaps, support diversity and restore harmony by connecting mindsets and societies.”

“It was clear and engaging and I felt it was a safe space to ask questions, I also felt like the level of detail and examples provided was good.”

“I really enjoyed this and think a refresher one every 12 months would be a great idea - it will help with us Kiwis' understanding our workmates better. “

“The workshop was very engaging, educational and also thought-provoking. It is important that we carry on doing workshops such as these as it strengthens bonds and communication. I found it was a very enriching experience.“

“Incredibly insightful, thank you. I have a much greater understanding and now think very differently on culture and history. Thank you.”

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